Losing Weight
You really must adore all of these fad diets. There have been some genuine winners along the way, and the "Popcorn Diet Plan" is one of them. We've seen the Cabbage Soup diet, the Special K diet, and now we're getting the Popcorn diet. Maybe they should include a complimentary DVD movie rental as well. Isn't that what comes to mind when you think of a diet plan like this? So, what exactly does this diet plan entail? You know there's got to be more to it than just munching on popcorn all day. The Popcorn diet is similar to all other diets in that it requires you to adjust your eating habits to incorporate more nutritional foods and vegetables, exercise regularly, and limit portion sizes. The thing is, regardless of what you do, you will lose weight. That is simply good counsel. Is popcorn fattening? What's the deal with the popcorn? That's what you eat as a snack in between meals. What type of popcorn do you have access to? The popcorn diet advocates ...